
News and Events

Emory Researchers: Why Are Those Born in the Rural South Less Healthy and Prone to Die Sooner?

June, 2019

Researchers from Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health are participating in a landmark study to understand why people born in rural communities in the South live shorter and less healthy lives than their counterparts elsewhere in the count …

Study aims to learn why people in rural South are less healthy, die sooner

June, 2019

Why people in rural communities in the South live shorter and less healthy lives than those who reside elsewhere in the United States is the focus of a new national study that will be based at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Why do people in the rural South die sooner? UAB study to examine question

June, 2019

Why people in rural communities in the South live shorter and less healthy lives than those who reside elsewhere in the United States is the focus of a new national study that will be based at the University of Alabama at Birmingham.

Study seeks to understand RURAL residents’ health challenges

May, 2019

In an effort to understand why people born in rural communities in the South live shorter and less healthy lives than their counterparts elsewhere in the same counties as well as across the country, researchers from the University of Mississippi Medica …

Researchers to study heart, lung disease in Franklin Parish

May, 2019

Seven hundred people from Franklin and Assumption parishes will be recruited for a new health study researching the effects of heart and lung disease in southern rural communities.

LSU’s Pennington Research Center Assists in Study Looking at Why Some RURAL Southerners Live Longer and Healthier Lives

May, 2019

Researchers from LSU’s Pennington Biomedical Research Center and other institutions will study why some people in rural parishes and counties live longer, healthier lives. Doctor Stephanie Broyles will lead the Louisiana portion of the study and they’l …

New Study at UMMC to Explore Disease Risk Factors in Rural South

May, 2019

In an effort to understand why people born in rural communities in the South live shorter and less healthy lives than their counterparts elsewhere in the same counties as well as across the country, researchers from the University of Mississippi Medica …

RURAL Study to Examine Health Burdens in the South

May, 2019

People born in rural communities in the South, especially in southern Appalachia and the Mississippi Delta, may live shorter and less healthy lives than their counterparts elsewhere in the country, in part due to a high burden of HLBS disorders.

U of L To Participate In New Four-State Study On Rural Health Outcomes

May, 2019

A new study hopes to help researchers understand what causes high rates of heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders (HLBS) in rural Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana

U of L To Participate In New Four-State Study On Rural Health Outcomes

May, 2019

The University of Louisville is participating in a new study that’s expected to give answers about health conditions in the rural communities of Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana.

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