doctor and patient


The Risk Underlying Rural Areas Longitudinal (RURAL) Cohort Study is a longitudinal research project in select rural counties in Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Mississippi. We seek to enroll approximately 4,600 participants from these communities, examining several different aspects of their health, including heart and lung function.

Broad goals of the RURAL Cohort Study include:

  • Identifying the frequency of and risk factors for heart and lung diseases in the RURAL communities
  • Identifying unique factors contributing to health disorders in these communities — including psychosocial, economic, and familial factors — and how they interact together
  • Identifying potential solutions by examining differences between higher and lower risk rural counties

We will collaborate with other scientists and maximize the use of the data collected, while also ensuring our participants’ data is secure. We have rigorous policies and systems in place to ensure all participants’ data meets federal security and confidentiality standards for data acquisition, transfer, storage, and analysis.

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